Silicone Ink Cap – L (200un) – Pink

SKU: IC51890 Categories: ,

7.00 +IVA

Silicone ink caps in different sizes.

Electric Ink silicone cups store the ink in a safer and more practical way during the session. Its rubber base protects the tip of the needle and prevents it from being damaged.
Before using them, sterilize with 70% alcohol. After use, dispose them in a specific  sanitary waste container.


Available sizes:

Ink Cap – S: 500 units of 0.5mL

Ink Cap – M: 300 units of 1mL

Ink Cap – L: 200 units of 2mL

Ink Cap – XL: 100 units of 4mL

Ink Cap – Mixed: 100 units of each (S/M/L/XL)

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Product Details

Silicone Ink Cap

Size: L
Capacity: 2ml
Quantity: 200un
Model: Injected
Brand: Electric Ink

Color: Pink


Power sources

PS Round
Matt Black

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